Leftist judges on the Colorado State Supreme Court pushed the United States closer to the abyss by rendering a decision stating that President Trump is no longer eliglble to be on the Colorado primary ballot. Clearly ignoring the language and the intent of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution (designed for the Civil War era) and without allowing President Trump any due process, they declared that President Trump was guilty of “insurrection” and that they had the authority to remove him from any ballots in Colorado.
While several courts have rejected this ludicrous legal theory up to now, the Colorado decision is likely to release the floodgates in over a dozen other states. The Democrat left and their affiliated institutions know that they cannot defeat President Trump at the ballot box, so they are left with the most dangerous gameplan – to remove the leading candidate of the other party from the ballot altogether!
For those of you that still believe that the 2020 election was free and fair (I assume by ignoring the mail-in ballot fraud, the 2am vote dumps (nearly all for Biden), the $400+ million by Mark Zuckerberg to wire voting precincts in the favor of democrats, the hiding of the Hunter Biden laptop (by the FBI, CIA, DOJ, and Social Media Tech giants), the lies told by the 51 intelligence agents that the laptop was likely Russian disinformation, the massive vulnerability of voting machines (research the Halderman Report), well), you must be shocked that Democrat leftists/Marxists would do such a thing so undemocratic as removing their competitors from the ballot.
Don’t be!
The Constitutional Republic we love (and that has been bequeathed to us) is hanging by a thread. You have to ask yourself “why are all these leftist institutions so scared of President Trump this time around?” Perhaps they know that if he gets re-elected, and exposes all their criminality for the world to see, that retribution is coming!
Hopefully, the US Supreme Court will step in and upend this state-initiated tyranny!
Hats off to Vivek Ramaswamy who, upon hearing the news of the Colorado Supreme Court decision demanded to have his name removed from the primary, as well, and further demanded that the other candidates (DeSantis, Haley, Christie) do the same, so that America could see unity in such an outrage against American ideas and values (i.e. “the consent of the governed”)
So far, none of the three have…we are still waiting!
Articles below will keep you informed on this miscarriage of democracy:
2024-01-10 Man behind state lawsuits to remove Trump from ballots is charged with tax fraud!
2023-12-29 Maine GOP prep effort to impeach Maine Democrat that removed Trump from the ballot!
2023-12-28 Now Democrats in Maine “jump the shark”, decide to remove President Trump from the ballot
2023-12-23 Thousands of US Truckers fight Democrat Party Tyranny - will boycott Colorado!
2023-12-23 Political activists in Virginia file injunction to keep President Trump off the ballot
2023-12-23 Is the Colorado SC decision how a Civil War starts?
2023-12-22 Republicans drafting bills to remove Biden from ballot in Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania
2023-12-22 By attempting to take Trump off the ballot, Democrats are staging a coup in broad daylight!
2023-12-21 Colorado Democrat Party appointed judicial system is totally corrupt! Out to get Trump!
2023-12-21 Colorado democrats tell GOP that they get no say in who their candidates are!
2023-12-21 Biden making Trump the Nelson Mandela of America
2023-12-21 Legal expert Jonathan Turley - US Supreme Court must reverse Colorado decision
2023-12-20 California Lt. Governor asks CA Secretary of State to remove Trump from state ballot
2023-12-20 Tucker Carlson - Dems attempt the actual end of democracy
2023-12-20 Liberal Legal Expert Alan Dershowitz - Colorado decision is a scandal and shameful!
2023-12-20 DeSantis refuses to remove his name from the Colorado ballot!
2023-12-19 Colorado Supreme Court Justice makes blistering dissent on Colorado SC decision
2023-12-19 Colorado Supreme Court kicks President Trump off the 2024 primary ballot!
2023-12-18 Michigan Democrats appeal ruling to Michigan SC that allows Trump to stay on Michigan ballots