The Current Situation:
The United States exists as a federalist system. The Constitution was a "negative rights" document stating that while the Federal government would have certain authorities, it explicitly stated that all rights not given to the Federal government remain with the states. Each state (in our case, Iowa) has a responsibility to assess when and where the Federal government oversteps its authorities and to aggressively defend that modality by legislating it owns laws, suing the Federal government, and when necessary, nullification. While Iowa has not been as aggressive as other states (Florida, Texas), it has taken steps in several areas (CRT, transgender issues, 2nd Amendment) to more accurately mirror the will of the people of Iowa. Much remains to be done. There was a popular phrase some years back, "Just Say No". The State of Iowa (and other states across America) need to more frequently use this refrain on an increasingly socialist Federal government.
Recent News:
04/21/22 Florida’s Governor DeSantis shows how states can resist the tyranny of Washington DC!
02/03/22 IA Gov Reynolds to end Covid emergency declaration in February!
02/03/22 Surety Bonds - Fighting back against leftist school boards!
02/02/22 Undercover Mothers reveal how they fight wokeness in schools
01/31/22 DOD demanding Gov. Reynolds force National Guard to take dangerous Covid vaccine!
01/08/22 Iowa will not enforce Feds mandate for Covid vaccines/testing in Iowa companies
01/05/22 Gov. Abbott tells his Texas National Guard that Biden is not their “Commander In Chief”
01/01/22 Texas AG wins huge court decision against another Biden mandate!
11/29/21 Biden vaccine mandate for CMS health workers overruled in 10 states (including Iowa)
11/18/21 Governor DeSantis signs four anti-mandate bills into law!
11/12/21 Head of Oklahoma National Guard says he will not impose Biden’s mandates on national guard troops
11/08/21 Florida considers abandoning OSHA - other measures to end Fed vaccine mandate overreach!
11/07/21 Even Dem Governor tells Biden regime to go pound sand on vaccine mandates!
11/02/21 Governor Dunleavy of Alaska issues administrative order to protect state from Federal overreach!
10/29/21 Iowa law guarantees unemployment compensation for those fired for resisting vaccine mandate
10/21/21 State AGs say that Biden Covid vaccine mandate unenforceable!
10/12/21 Governor Abbott of Texas bans vaccine mandates by all “entities” in the state!
10/01/21 Iowa expecting about 700 Afghan refugees
09/17/21 24 Republican Attorneys General threaten legal action against Biden vaccine mandates
09/14/21 One sheriff in Arkansas stands up to medical tyranny!
09/11/21 27 states express opposition to Biden’s authoritarian vaccine mandates!
09/03/21 Several states considering rapid adoption of Texas “hearbeat” law!
09/02/21 Florida plans to replicate Texas “beating heart” abortion bill
09/02/21 Florida to issue $5,000 fines for organizations that implement CoVid passports
08/30/21 State mask bans (includes Iowa) under Federal scrutiny and potential civil rights action!
08/27/31 Vaccine exemption status by state - 2021
08/26/21 Texas Supreme Court stops San Antonio’s mask mandate
08/18/21 50 state update on pending legislation related to CoVid vaccines and vaccine passports
08/16/21 Where schools have to follow mask mandates
08/15/21 Several different States’ lawmakers submit bills to ban CoVid-19 mandates and passports
08/15/21 More Wisconsin county executive GOP committees call for forensic audits!
08/13/21 Wisconsin Sauk County Republican Executive Committee requests full forensic audit
08/13/21 FL Gov. DeSantis slams CDC on mask requirements as “medical authoritarianism”
08/09/21 FL Gov. DeSantis threatens to withhold salaries from school officials that defy mask mandate ban
08/08/21 FL Governor DeSantis leads the way - gives parents power over hyper mask schools
08/02/21 State Legislators blast Federal Overreach - Calling it biggest threat!
07/30/21 Montana bans employers from discriminating based upon a person’s vaccination status
07/30/21 Some GOP Governors hit back on Biden’s draconian vaccine edicts - Will Iowa do the same?
07/27/21 Iowa Governor Reynolds, along other states, intend to ignore latest CDC mask guidelines
07/18/21 IA Rep. Ashley Hinson - Iowans are sick of Biden’s leftist agenda
07/17/21 University of Iowa officials denied personal immunity in Religious freedom case
07/14/21 MI GOP Exec resigns after successful grassroots pressure - he repeatedly disparaged President Trump
07/11/21 Could Iowans replicate this? Tracking down invalid voters
07/08/21 Jan 6th being used as pretext for Biden Regime power grabs
07/06/21 Coming to Iowa soon? Capitol Hill Police Regional Field Offices!
07/03/21 Jasper County (Newton) considering declaring as a Second Amendment sanctuary!
07/02/21 Dems across US propose hundreds of legislative bills to backdoor HR1
06/10/21 Iowa bans Critical Race Theory
05/20/21 Iowa bans mask mandates in schools and cities
04/09/21 Iowa Governor signs constitutional carry law expanding gun rights
In Depth Study:
1) Iowa Legislature - Legislative Tracking
2) Independence Institute - How States Can Defy Biden